Journal of Mind Theory

Mind and Brain, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

In the recent and not so recent past, several formal and abstract models have attempted to shed light on the coret topics of Mind and Brain, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. This has created a vast proliferation of published information, which is currently lacking any one dominant model for understanding the mental processes.

The aim of the Journal of Mind Theory JMT is to consolidate and explore formal and abstract tools for modeling cognitive phenomena. It seeks to create a cohesive and concrete formal approach towards understanding the continuum between the mind and brain, striving for precision and clarity. Additionally, it aims to examine the implications for AI and related disciplines.

For a dialogue between the funding editors of The Journal of Mind Theory on these issues see Questions on Mind Theory

Rigor in Cognitive Science

The focus of the journal was on theories and or hypotheses on the nature of the mind. The journal was edited by Professors Ricardo Sanz and Jaime Gómez-Ramírez, and the editorial board included reknown experts in the fields of AI, neuroscience, cognitive science and machine consciousness and others,

The journal aims to capture the ongoing developments in the formal science of mind, striving towards the ultimate goal of a unified formal theory of mind. It remains open to any relevant proposals, irrespective of specific language, background, or domain.

The first two numbers of the JMT were published in paper and online thanks to a grant from the Spaninsh Government. They included papers from James Albus, Ron Cottan, Pentti Haikonen, Konrad Talmont-Kaminski, Andrée C. Ehresmann, Tariq Samad, Lorenzo Magnani and others.

Unfortunately, due to the personnel and personal circumstances, the journal didn’t have any further history but we don’t consider it dead, but sleeping in wait a of a better opportunity.

The two first numbers can be downloaded here:

JMT Vol. 0. No. 1

JMT Vol. 0. No. 2

Editorial Board

Albus, JamesGeorge Mason University, USAUSA
Aleksander, IgorImperial College London, UKUK
Anderson, Michael L.Franklin & Marshall College, USAUSA
Baars, BernardNeurosciences Institute at La Jolla, USAUSA
Baas, NilsNorwegian University of Science and Technology, NorwayNorway
Bedia, ManuelUniversity of Zaragoza, SpainSpain
Bryson, JoannaUniversity of Bath, UKUK
Castelfranchi, CristianoInstitute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, ItalyItaly
Chella, AntonioUniversity of Palermo, ItalyItaly
Chrisley, RonUniversity of Sussex, UKUK
Cottam, RonVrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumBelgium
Ehresmann, AndréeUniversité de Picardie Jules Verne, FranceFrance
Eliasmith, ChrisWaterloo University, CanadaCanada
Franklin, StanUniversity of Memphis, USAUSA
Freeman, WalterUniversity of California, Berkeley, USAUSA
Gardenfors, PeterUniversity of Lund, SwedenSweden
Gomila, ToniUniversiy of Balearic Islands, SpainSpain
Gudwin, RicardoUniversity of Campinas, BrazilBrazil
Haikonen, PenttiUniversity of Illinois, USAUSA
Heylighen, FrancisUniversity of Brussels, BelgiumBelgium
Longo, GiuseppeEcole Normale Supérieure, FranceFrance
López Paniagua, IgnacioUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid, SpainSpain
Mahner, MartinGesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften e.V., GermanyGermany
Magnani, LorenzoUniversity of Pavia, ItalyItaly
Perlovsky, LeonidUnited States Air Force Research Laboratory, USAUSA
Samad, TariqHoneywell, USAUSA
Scheutz, MathiasIndiana University, USAUSA
Sloman, AaronBirmingham University, UKUK
Talmont-Kaminski, KonradMarie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, PolandPoland
Taylor, JohnKing’s College London, UKUK
Wiener, SidneyCollege de France, FranceFrance

Further Information

For further information about The Journal of Mind Theory, please contact the Editors Ricardo Sanz and Jaime Gomez-Ramirez.

JMT Logo

Jaime Gomez-Ramirez
Jaime Gomez-Ramirez
Professor, Scientist and Engineer

I build AI based solutions applied to Health Care. My research focuses on multi-scale mathematical modelling of complex systems, specifically brain networks.
